Monday, February 19, 2007

The 'Silent Cal' Variety Show

From the Presidents Day Sampler Department...

For all of you 'Silent Cal' fans out there here is a link to a film blandly titled, 'President Harding and Calvin Coolidge,' from the American Memory Collection at the Library of Congress that is summarized on their website as:

"Various scenes of the official notification ceremonies held on July 22, 1920 for Warren G. Harding, selected as the Presidential candidate by 17th Republican National Convention and Calvin Coolidge, selected as the Vice Presidential nominee."

The film was shot in various locations in 1920 and comes in three seperate downloads. It includes footage of Coolidge in Northampton and Vermont, as well as glimpses of Harding's wife, Florence, and his father, George. Henry Cabot Lodge and William Hays, Republican National Committee chairman at the time, also make appearances.


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