Saturday, March 3, 2007

Holyoke, Massachusetts: Mountain Park (c1900 - 1915)

The Restaurant-Mt. Tom Railway Station, Mountain Park, Holyoke, Mass. (c1905-15)

Before the days of the automobile, rail excursions to local parks served as welcome respite from the crowded cities. The street railways were happy to get folks' weekend business, as well. Many of the parks were in fact, "created-destinations" originating from that very idea, called "trolley parks." Mountain Park was one of those destinations, opened by the Holyoke Street Railway Company in the early 1890s.

The Entrance to Mountain Park, Holyoke, Mass. (c1905-15)

A casino greets visitors to the Park.

Lily Pond, Mountain Park, Holyoke, Mass. (c1905-15)

The Summit House atop Mt. Tom is in the center background of the photo.

Lily Pond, Mountain Park, Holyoke, Mass (c1905-15)

Folks used to wear their finest on an outing to the park.

Mountain Park from the East, Holyoke, Mass. (c1900-15)

Links to more sites with Mountain Park photos and info:
Mountain Park Timeline, etc.
Karen & Jay's Amusement Page, Mountain Park
Mountain Park,
Tunnel of Laffs, Mountain Park

Photo 1: American Memory Collection, Library of Congress, Detroit Publishing Co., Digital ID: det.4a23772
Photo 2: American Memory Collection, Library of Congress, Detroit Publishing Co., Digital ID: det.4a23766
Photo 3: American Memory Collection, Library of Congress, Detroit Publishing Co., Digital ID: det.4a30166
Photo 4: American Memory Collection, Library of Congress, Detroit Publishing Co., Digital ID: det.4a23770
Photo 5: American Memory Collection, Library of Congress, Detroit Publishing Co., Digital ID: det.4a10376

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