Monday, March 12, 2007

Sacred Heart Church Gets A New Roof

Looks like Sacred Heart church on Chestnut street in Springfield is putting on its Easter bonnet early...

Stairway to heaven?

The peak seems to be missing a little something...

Like a cross...

And the stonework from its right side.

A better view of where the stones and cross were removed from the peak.

Ask not for whom the bell tolls...But if it's for me, take a message, I'm busy.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I do. The shiny copper crowns did look odd on the old church at first, but you're right: it looks natural now.

    I wish more Springfield people would raise a big fuss about the blighted, burned-out buildings along Walnut street that have stood as ugly reminders of the city's inaction for years now. It boggles my mind that this is allowed on such a historical strip of road, linking the Armory and the Waterchops.

    p.s.: The cool, old Westfield postcards you so generously sent me have prompted Roma and I into finally looking at computer scanners. We've been talking about getting one for years, but there's always been something more important that claims our cash. Like food. Thanks again, Barbara!
