Sunday, May 20, 2007

'Springfield Present and Prospective' (Pond & Campbell 1905)

Welcome to EWM's Historical Book Transcription Series.

Following is the title/contents page - including foreword and dedication - from a book in our collection called 'Springfield Present and Prospective.' Published in 1905 by Pond and Campbell Publishers of Springfield, Massachusetts and written by local authors - not a few of whom were also prominent town fathers - the book is a compilation of essays and observations focusing on the city at the dawn of the twentieth century, before and beyond.

The 214-page book was not only written and published in Springfield, it was printed and engraved there also, by the F.A. Bassette Company, which was located at the corner of Dwight and Hillman streets for seven decades. The company, established in 1898, has moved from that location, but still calls Springfield home, and has proudly served the commercial printing industry for over 100 years now.

For complete chapters, click on the chapter title link. For chapter excerpts as they originally appeared in EWM's weekly transcription series, including transcriber's commentary, click on the sub-titles under the chapter title. As you travel through the chapters, you will occasionally notice highlighted words, these are links to photographs or other related ephemera, usually from the Library of Congress web site.

It is EWM's hope that the good citizens of Springfield and Western Massachusetts will find this interesting work to be useful for research or pleasure as we present it here in digitized form.



The City of Homes

The Sources of Its Charm, Its
Advantages, Achievements and
Possibilities, Portrayed in Word
and Picture

JUDGE A.M. COPELAND and others

Drawings by JAMES HALL and


Pond & Campbell Publishers
Springfield, Mass.


Copyright 1905 by Pond & Campbell


Engravers and Printers



"If hereafter some newly adopted citizen shall
ask "What did this man that be so firmly
held in the remembrance and love of this
people?" let the answer be: Not because he
founded that hospital or endowed that library or
built that great factory, but because he loved his
fellow men, and by his courtesy sweetened the
daily life of our streets; by his covert acts of kindness
comforted many hearts; by his unselfish service
to others, heightened our ideal of beneficence,
becoming the trusted adviser of the widow and the
orphan, the staff upon which the sick leaned and
were upheld, especially the invalid and wounded
soldiers returning from the battlefields of the Civil and
Spanish-American Wars. The youth struggling for
an education found in him a practical and sympathetic
friend. Henry S. Lee, by his honor and perfect
integrity, kept alive in many minds confidence in
human virtue and faith in God. All this and more
he did without seeming to know it. This is why we
honor him and keep his memory green."

BORN SEPTEMBER 19, 1834 - DIED MARCH 29, 1902



The aim of this book is to hold the mirror up to Springfield: a community whose qualities, in their varied significance, in the many lessons to be derived therefrom, have little enough engaged the thought of its members; a dwelling-place whose visible charm, the pride of every resident, carrying its fair fame wherever Springfield is known, has a destiny of which we may see visions only after a careful survey of the spot as we find it today, endowed with rare gifts from Nature and stamped with the characteristics of its daily life. Nor is it aside from the purpose to proclaim our city far and wide, and share our enthusiastic discoveries with a larger public. The contributors and the Editor, as well as the publishers, look confidently forward to something more than a sale for this book and a careful reading: should it not exert a positive influence, they would be surprised and disappointed.

While Springfield is peculiarly fortunate in the possession of an able and representative periodical press, she is not satisfied to stand before the world in snap-shots or the panorama of the biograph; these do not show us as we are. The immediate need is not an exhaustive history, which is yet to come, nor a guide book, of which several have been made, but rather a study of our conditions and tendencies, with a view to the wonderful development which is possible in almost every direction. To us so much is given, we would not - must not - evade nor too long postpone the large duty which confronts us.

Our city has more than held its own with other cities of the commonwealth in growth and various development in the past decade; in fact, so marked is the expansion now going on, in several ways, that thoughtful and far-seeing citizens are moved to inquire as never before how we may gauge our views and our plans to correspond. The peculiar timeliness of this book, as remarked to the Editor by one person after another, renders it a happy inspiration. Its principal claim upon the community is to be found in actual service, which it has been the conscientious aim of all those connected with its preparation to give. If it but open our eyes to the significance of the forces now at work, the remarkable possibilities just ahead, and the exceeding beauty which we may have if we will, by taking thought, - the beauty which comes from symmetrical growth, rather than of money cost, - the book will have fulfilled a large mission.

The word "discoveries" in a foregoing paragraph is used advisedly. It is the earnest hope of the Editor that each and every reader will find in the pages which follow, the elements of surprise and enthusiasm which they have brought to him, in which event the book will serve its full purpose of enlightenment and inspiration. No one person knows Springfield throughly; it has grown too large and too complex for that. Nor could he, if he knew it ever so well, impart his knowledge and fervor short of a course of lectures.

Springfield Present and Prospective, as a cursory examination will show, is written by real lovers of the place; enthusiasm is repressed only where a wound is deemed faithful and necessary, - where the constructive purpose involves something also of change.

Generations to come will be indented to Eugene C. Gardner, whose voice and pen and fine taste as an architect have been tirelessly employed in promoting the beauty of Springfield - a beauty which is not merely outward. In his chapter in this volume on The Visible Charm, the poet in Mr. Gardner is finely in evidence, and the ardent lover of his home city.

The influence of the Springfield Republican and its brilliant essayist, poet and critic, Charles Goodrich Whiting, for a cosmopolitan breadth and quality in all our living has been very great. The publishers and the Editor deem themselves fortunate in securing Mr. Whiting's review of art and literature as they exist among us. His contribution should be amended, however, by a fuller acknowledgment of his own service, of the high place he holds in current literature.

Every contributor to this volume is a loyal and devoted son or daughter of Springfield - by birth or adoption - and speaks from the heart; for this the several writers were chosen. Principal Orr has a distinct message to the citizen concerning our schools, and valuable information for parents who are considering our city as a possible place of residence. The development of technical education, characteristic of our time, receives due recognition from the head of the technical high school, Mr. Warner. And there is no more significant and inspiring recital in the book than Librarian Wellman's account of the great work of the City Library association.

A large and important field is surveyed by the secretary of the Board of Trade, J. Frank Drake. Francis Regal of the Republican's editorial staff is an active force in musical affairs and profoundly learned in the theory and practice of music. Howard Regal, his brother, was formerly the dramatic critic.

The Story of Springfield is the joint production of Alfred M. Copeland, Esq., associate judge of the police court and the historian of Hampden county, and Edwin Dwight, journalist, a descendant of the historic family of Dwights.

Mrs. Doggett, who traces the work of the women's clubs, is an active member of the Women's club and president of the College club, and is the wife of President Doggett of the International Young Men's Christian association training school; Richard Hooker, representing the men's clubs, is the associate of Samuel Bowles in the publication of the Springfield Republican. Rev. John Luther Kilbon is the pastor of Park Congregational church and was formerly an editor of the Congregationalist. Edward A. Hall is a prominent member of the Cathedral parish and the president of the St. Vincent de Paul society.

On the side of illustration and embellishment the work has been carried on with no less devotion. The lettering and decorations are largely the work of James Hall of New York, formerly supervisor of drawing in our own public schools. George Clarence Gardner, whose excellent drawings have to do with "The Visible Charm" of our city, is an architect, the son of Eugene C. Gardner. The work of local photographers, notably E. J. Lazelle, H. E. Bosworth and A. D. Copeland, has been supplemented with a collection of views taken especially for this book by Clifton Johnson, whose camera has illustrated books of travel in America, England, Ireland, Scotland and France. The portrait work of George H. Van Norman, whose skill as a portrait artist is known throughout the country, should also be mentioned here.

It is but just, in closing, to ascribe the conception of this book, and in the main the choice of topics and writers, to the two young men who are its publishers. Theirs was the plan and the direction, for the most part; it was the privilege of the Editor to do something more than assister, as the French put it, - to be present when the work was done - but honor to whom honor is due.




I. LOOKING BACKWARD - Nature's Legacy, 1; From Center to Circumference, 3. II. PLAN OF THE GROUND FLOOR - The Inner Circle, 8; Broader Outlooks, 13. III. ARCHITECTURAL GARMENTS - The Personal Equation in Houses, 17; Commercial and Municipal, 19; Churches, Monuments and Chimneys, 21. IV. LOOKING FORWARD - Bed Rock, 23; What the River Asks and Gives, 24. BIOGRAPHIES - Tilly Haynes, 30; O. H. Greenleaf, 31; Justin Sackett, 31; Daniel J. Marsh, 31; Everett H. Barney, 31; Nathan D. Bill, 31.

The Public Schools, 33; Certain Other Schools, 40.


ART AND LITERATURE Charles Goodrich Whiting
The Art Museum, 49; George Walter Vincent Smith - a Sketch, 49; The James D. Gill Exhibition of Paintings, 53; Statues and other works of Art, 54; Local Representatives of Art, 55. Springfield on the Side of Letters, 58.

The Public Library, 66; The Science Museum, 71.

MUSIC AND THE DRAMA Francis E. and Howard K. Regal
The Orpheus Club, 74; The Music Festival, 76; The Springfield Music Festival Association, 78; Theatrical Matters, 80.

THE STORY OF SPRINGFIELD Alfred M. Copeland and Edwin Dwight
Glimpses of Events and Incidents and Men that Figured in Springfield's History, 84; Springfield in the Wars, 108; The United States Armory, 112; Springfield's Growth, 114.


Early Days - the First Church, 123; Olivet Congregational, 124; South Congregational, 125; North Congregational, 125; Hope Congregational, 125; Faith Congregational, 126; Eastern Avenue Congregational, 126; Park Congregational, 126; Emmanuel Congregational, 126; Union Evangelical, Indian Orchard, 126; Church of the Unity, 126; Asbury M. E., 127; Wesley M. E., 127; Trinity M. E., 128; Grace M. E., 128; St. James M. E., 128; First Baptist, 128; State Street Baptist, 129; Highland Baptist, 129; Carew Street Baptist, 129; Park Avenue Memorial Baptist, 129; Christ Church (Episcopal) 130; St. Peter's Episcopal, 130; St. Paul's Universalist, 130; Second Universalist, 131; Third Universalist, 131; Memorial (Union Evangelical), 131; New Jerusalem, 131; Advent Christian, 131; Presbyterian, 131; Disciples, 131. Other Parishes and Missions, 132, 133. The Leading Philanthropic Organizations, 133 - Hampden County Truant School, 133; Springfield Hospital, 133; Cynthia Wesson Hospital, 133; Home for Friendless Women and Children 133; Union Relief Association, 134; Hale Fund, 134; Aged Couples' Fund, 134; Penny Provident Bank, 134; Hampden County Children's Aid Association, 135; Industrial House Charities, 135; Springfield Home for Aged Women, 135; Springfield Boys' Club, 135; Ferry Street Settlement, 136; Home for Aged Men, 136.

Y.M.C.A AND Y.W.C.A. William Knowles Cooper

The First Catholic Parish, 139; St. Michael's Cathedral, 142; Church of the Sacred Heart, 144; St. Joseph's Church, 146; St. Matthew's Church, 146; St. Aloysius' Church, 147; Church of the Immaculate Conception, 147; St. Augustine's Parish, 147; Holy Family Parish, 147. House of the Good Shepherd, 148; Mercy Hospital, 149; St. Vincent de Paul, 150.

SOCIAL LIFE James E. Tower

THE WOMEN'S CLUBS Carolyn G. Doggett
The Club, 156; Cosmian, 156; Women's Political Class, 156; Women's Club, 157; Cosmopolitan, 159; Traveling, 159, 160; Kindergarten, 159, 160; Mothers,' 159,160; Thursday, 159; Fortnightly, 159; Morning, 159; Early Morning, 159; Atalanta, 159; Wednesday Morning, 159; Book and Thimble, 159; Teachers,' 161; College, 161. List of Clubs with Date of Organization and Membership, 162.

THE MEN'S CLUBS Richard Hooker
Country Club, 163; Manchonis, 164; Oxford, 165; Rockrimmon Golf, 165; Springfield Canoe, 165; Springfield Yacht, 165; Springfield Boat, 166; Atlanta Boat, 166; Rockrimmon Boat and Canoe, 166; Nayasset, 166; Winthrop, 167; Elks, 167.

Industrial Arteries, 172; Introduction of a Street Railway, 174; Sources of Strength, 178; The Springfield Board of Trade, 180; A Diversity of Enterprises - Some which have Helped in Upbuilding Springfield, 182 - Springfield Fire and Marine Insurance Company (183), Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company (185), G. & C. Merriam Company (188), Wason Manufacturing Company (189), Smith & Wesson (190), Barney & Berry Company (191), Milton Bradley Company (192), R. H. Smith Manufacturing Company (192), W. D. Kinsman Company (193), Forbes & Wallace (194), Meekins, Packard & Wheat (194), Smith & Murray (195), Haynes & Company (195), Charles Hall (196), Kibbe Brothers Company (196), E. Stebbins Manufacturing Company (197), Bay State Corset Company (197), Fisk Manufacturing Company (198), Knox Automobile Company (199), Elektron Manufacturing Company (199), Taber-Prang Art Company (200), Massasoit House (200), Cooley's Hotel (200), The Press, 201 - Springfield Republican (201), Springfield Union (203), Daily News (204), Homestead (206), Phelps Publishing Company (206), Financial Institutions, 208 - Second National Bank (208), Chicopee National Bank (209), John Hancock National Bank (209), First National Bank (210), Third National Bank (210), Chapin National Bank (211), City National Bank (211), Springfield Safe Deposit and Trust Company (211), Springfield National Bank (212), Hampden Trust Company (212), Springfield Institution for Savings (212), Five Cents Savings Bank (213), Hampden Savings Bank (214).

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