Saturday, July 21, 2007

Anyone Miss This Stuff?

I happened to spot these blurry black and whites I took of a Springfield morning in the opening days of March, 2001, that I thought folks might get a kick out of, if for nothing else, that I bothered posting disposable camera pictures of this poor a quality on my blog. Truth is, since I recently got a scanner, I've been scanning everything I can. Well...Maybe not everything... ;-)

Looking north up Dickinson street from the corner of Grenada terrace. One thing I liked about living in the city was that on miserable mornings like these, I could leave my car in the driveway and take a PVTA bus to work by the simple act of crossing the street and waiting for one to come by. If I was feeling flush, I would call a cab and ride in style.

Looking east up Taylor street from Main street. Instead of grabbing a transfer, I would hop off the bus at Taylor and Main and hoof it the one-mile length up Taylor to work, off Armory street. It's a nice walk early in the morning. I have always liked a city at dawn.

Morgan Square, silent and still.

A car turns tentatively onto Kaynor street off Lyman, Union Station is in the background. Kaynor connects Taylor and Lyman streets.

Chestnut street, looking north from Taylor. In 1946, there was a lunch or grill room on each of three corners of the intersection of Chestnut and Taylor streets. Market Square Lunch occupied the northwest corner, Central Lunch the northeast, and The Grill Lunch Room was two doors down from the smoke shop on the southeastern corner, across the street from Hartwell's Gas Station on the remaining corner. Neighboring cafes complemented each eatery, including the Market Square cafe abutting the lunchroom, the Lasalle just north of Central Lunch and the Federal cafe, two doors south of The Grill.

Phew! Made it to work. No matter what the weather experts tell you about snow accumulation, here in New England, the proof is in the pudding - if you can get a gander at some of the white stuff undisturbed before the sun hits it, like on this oil tank cover in front of my shop, that's usually your best indication of how deep you got buried. Better yet...Let's get back to July...

As always, thanks for stopping by and take care.

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