Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Just Passin' Through...

I have to admit, these photographs are a bit creepy. Heck, they're a tad crawly, for that matter. And, to be sure, they were taken by a shaking hand, blurry and tentative. Which is pretty much the way I approach big spiders that happen to stop by my camp site for a quick fireside visit. Little did I know the spider was meeting a friend.

I guess sometimes we can all get along...

As always, thanks for stopping by and take care.

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  1. omg that spider is ginormis!! made me teary eyed just looking at lol im terrified of spiders!! lol i think it was kinda sweet how he/she didnt eat the caterpillar though =]

  2. I think that Citronella candle is attracting the bugs, same as they do when we are camping. Seems every bug within shouting distance shows up for a bite to eat, human or otherwise.. hope you had fun, otherwise.

  3. Very suspenseful and I was also pleased to a happy ending.
