Sunday, May 3, 2009

A Walk Around Greenfield (circa 1903)

Seems as though the rain may hold off for a bit. Let's take a walk, shall we?

Stepping off at West Main Street in Greenfield,

Conway Street is on our left as we head east.

East Main Street brings us to

High Street, which we follow until

we turn left onto Church Street.

Passing the intersection with Union Street

and a little further on, Franklin Street,

we come to Federal Street and, heading south,

we find ourselves back on Main Street at the Greenfield Town Common. And I'm hardly even winded...

As always, thanks for stopping by and take care. (And thanks for taking a walk with me...)

Photos source: 'Greenfield, One Hundred and Fifty Years Old, 1753 - 1903,' C. M. Moody Publisher, Greenfield, Mass., 1903. Digitized @ (URL):

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  1. What a lovely walk through memory lane from over 100 years ago even! Thank you for sharing.

  2. Thanks, Beth and Tony! (where I found the book I grabbed the images from) is a great web site for all kinds of digitized media. Their 'moving media' collection is amazing, with old film reels and commercials, etc.

    It's definitely worth checking out if you get a free minute. Trouble is, if you're anything like me when it comes to perusing online archives...that 'free minute' has the potential to turn into hours!

    Thanks again!

